Simple Hospitality MOBI
9780849904844 English 0849904846 Feeling the pressures of being all things to all people? Need a break from being the meticulous housekeeper and volunteer extraordinaire? Inside, Jane Jarrell reveals the differences between entertaining and hospitality and gives you a toolbox of resources-practical ideas, real-life stories, humorous tips, and creative solutions that can make all your efforts more effective ... and simple. If you think you might have missed out on the hospitality "gift" or if you're desperately deficient in time, ideas, or expertise, this book will meet you where you are. Each chapter tackles a different facet of hospitality-from spiritual readiness to gardening tips to easy plans for stress-free dinner parties. Whether you're a full-time homemaker or not, Jane challenges you to open your heart and let God use you right where you are with the resources He has given you. For the many hats you wear, Simple Hospitality is your household handbook! Book jacket., What images come to mind when you think about hospitality? June Cleaver with a plate of warm cookies as Beaver arrives home from school? Susie Homemaker with a meal to deliver to a new mother? An immaculate home with no dust bunnies or cheese puff-encrusted toys? More than a chicken casserole and a bag of salad, writes Jane Jarrell, hospitality is kindness in its simplest form-loving others where they are with what God has given you.Dubbed "the Queen of Hospitality," Jane is passionate about creating an environment of love and encouragement, even in today's hectic world of monstrous to-do lists and worn out soccer moms.Packed with possibility, each chapter examines a different facet of lifestyle hospitality offering ideas, testimonials, and triumphs in the satisfying skill of kindness in action. With emphasis on keeping it simple, Jane provides fresh ideas in a light, humorous tone, along with easy instructions, quick recipes, time saving lists, and fun illustrations.
9780849904844 English 0849904846 Feeling the pressures of being all things to all people? Need a break from being the meticulous housekeeper and volunteer extraordinaire? Inside, Jane Jarrell reveals the differences between entertaining and hospitality and gives you a toolbox of resources-practical ideas, real-life stories, humorous tips, and creative solutions that can make all your efforts more effective ... and simple. If you think you might have missed out on the hospitality "gift" or if you're desperately deficient in time, ideas, or expertise, this book will meet you where you are. Each chapter tackles a different facet of hospitality-from spiritual readiness to gardening tips to easy plans for stress-free dinner parties. Whether you're a full-time homemaker or not, Jane challenges you to open your heart and let God use you right where you are with the resources He has given you. For the many hats you wear, Simple Hospitality is your household handbook! Book jacket., What images come to mind when you think about hospitality? June Cleaver with a plate of warm cookies as Beaver arrives home from school? Susie Homemaker with a meal to deliver to a new mother? An immaculate home with no dust bunnies or cheese puff-encrusted toys? More than a chicken casserole and a bag of salad, writes Jane Jarrell, hospitality is kindness in its simplest form-loving others where they are with what God has given you.Dubbed "the Queen of Hospitality," Jane is passionate about creating an environment of love and encouragement, even in today's hectic world of monstrous to-do lists and worn out soccer moms.Packed with possibility, each chapter examines a different facet of lifestyle hospitality offering ideas, testimonials, and triumphs in the satisfying skill of kindness in action. With emphasis on keeping it simple, Jane provides fresh ideas in a light, humorous tone, along with easy instructions, quick recipes, time saving lists, and fun illustrations.