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African American Music: An Introduction Second edition is a collection of seventeen essays surveying major African American musical genres, both sacred and secular, from slavery to the present. With contributions by leading scholars in the field, this work brings together research based on ethnographic fieldwork, which privileges the voices of the music-makers themselves, while interpreting their narratives through a richly textured mosaic of history and culture. At the same time, it incorporates musical treatments that bring clarity to the structural, melodic, and rhythmic characteristics that both distinguish and unify African American music. The second edition has been substantially revised and updated to serve an introductory course, and includes new essays on African and African American musical continuities, African-derived instrument construction and performance practice, techno, and art music and quartet traditions. Musical transcriptions, photographs, illustrations, and a new Audio CD bring the music to life., African American Music: An Introductionis a collection of thirty essays by leading scholars which survey major African American musical genres, both sacred and secular, from slavery to the present. The work brings together, in a single volume, treatments of African American music that have existed largely independent of each other. The research is based in large part on ethnographic fieldwork, which privileges the voices of the music-makers themselves, while interpreting their narratives through a richly textured mosaic of history and culture. The book is replete with references to seminal recordings and recording artists, musical transcriptions, photographs, and illustrations that bring the music to life as expressions of human beings. At the same time, it includes the kind of musical specificity that brings clarity to the structural, melodic, and rhythmic characteristics that both distinguish and unify the music of African-Americans., American Music: An Introduction, Second Edition is a collection of seventeen essays surveying major African American musical genres, both sacred and secular, from slavery to the present. With contributions by leading scholars in the field, the work brings together analyses of African American music based on ethnographic fieldwork, which privileges the voices of the music-makers themselves, woven into a richly textured mosaic of history and culture. At the same time, it incorporates musical treatments that bring clarity to the structural, melodic, and rhythmic characteristics that both distinguish and unify African American music. The second edition has been substantially revised and updated, and includes new essays on African and African American musical continuities, African-derived instrument construction and performance practice, techno, and quartet traditions. Musical transcriptions, photographs, illustrations, and a new audio CD bring the music to life., This collection of seventeen essays surveys major African American musical genres, both sacred and secular, from slavery to the present. With contributions by leading scholars in the field, the work brings together, in a single volume, treatments of African American music based in large part on ethnographic fieldwork, which privileges the voices of the music-makers themselves, woven into a richly textured mosaic of history and culture. At the same time, it incorporates musical treatments that brings clarity to the structural, melodic, and rhythmic characteristics that both distinguish and unify the music of African Americans. The text includes musical transcriptions, photographs, and illustrations that bring the music to life as expressions of a diverse people and culture. The second edition includes new essays on the topics of African and African American musical continuities, African- derived instrument construction and performance practice, techno, and the quartet and art music traditions. The new entry on religious music has been divided into separate, expanded treatments of spirituals and gospel music, the remaining essays have been substantially revised and updated. To facilitate ease of use, sections II and III of the original edition will appear in a forthcoming separate volume entitled Issues in African American Music. This new edition also includes an audio CD of 16 examples referenced in the text, as well as a companion website with audio, video, and links to further resources.

African American Music (2014, Paperback, Revised) by read EPUB, DJV, DOC

The music is presented in large, easy-to-read type, with chord symbols, lyrics, fingerings, and carefully edited phrasing, dynamics, and pedal markings.Each composition is cited with information on its vocal and instrumental requirements, its publication history, and when known, its first performance.His music is famously idiosyncratic, but, in many cases, the way he presented it is also unusual because, in the 1950s and 1960s, he often composed in non-standard musical notations, including a groundbreaking variety on graph paper that facilitated deliberately imprecise specifications of pitch and, at times, other musical parameters.To be of a given work, a performance must match its contents by following instructions traceable to its creation.As venues grew larger, performers struggled to make connections with an increasingly remote audience.Spanning the period 181627, Volume 2 finds Beethoven concerned over his financial situation and the poor printing of his music, and includes the final codicil to his will, written just three days before his death., Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) was a prolific letter writer.It engages students with creative problem-solving activities, collaborative projects and case studies as they explore the inner workings of the music business, while encouraging them to think like entrepreneurs on a path toward their own successful careers in the industry.They are the hobgoblin of little minds.Dark and mysterious, Petty manages to come back, again and again, showing us what the music can do and where it can take us., No one other than Warren Zanes, rocker and writer and friend, could author a book about Tom Petty that is as honest and evocative of Petty's music and the remarkable rock and roll history he and his band helped to write.Born in Gainesville, Florida, with more than a little hillbilly in his blood, Tom Petty was a Southern shit kicker, a kid without a whole lot of promise.Included in this package is access to the new Video-Enhanced eText exclusively from Pearson.