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Book Dana Jacobi - The Power Greens Cookbook : 150 Delicious Superfood Recipes in EPUB, MOBI, DOC


""I know I should eat more greens but I don't know how to cook them so that they will taste good." Here are delicious recipes, resources and tips to get us in tip top shape when it comes to eating well for both health and appetite. These recipes will not be relegated to the "healthy" section of your cooking repertoire, instead they will soon become your go-to dishes that your turn to again and again for a weeknight family meals or elegant dinner parties. Even with the focus on greens, and the numerous vegetarian and even vegan recipes, the book is NOT just for vegetarians: there are dozens of recipes that incorporate power greens into dishes also featuring meat, pork, poultry and fish. This will be the most comprehensive, enlightening and informative book available in the greens category, with 150 recipes for the 15 most nutritious dark leafy greens: kale, escarole, mustard greens, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, collards, chard, napa cabbage, watercress, beet greens, broccoli rabe, spinach, arugula, cilantro, and parsley. SAMPLE RECIPES INCLUDE: Mushroom and Spinach Meatloaf with Red Wine Tomato Sauce, Ginger Beef with Bok Choy, Brussels Sprouts with Cranberry Beans, Broccoli Rabe and White Bean Bruschetta, Kale Salad with Pomegranates and Walnuts the author's favorite), Twofer Beets and Beet Greens, Green Gazpacho, Bok Choy and Broccoli Chicken Salad, and Pasta with Spinach and Pistachio Pesto.", Kale and collards don't have to be the only greens on your shopping list anymore. Leafy veggies like romaine, parsley, Brussels sprouts, and beet greens have become staples of a whole, healthy diet. But while we know that greens are good for us, many of us worry they won't taste good. Fear no more! The Power Greens Cookbook offers 140 delicious recipes for dark, leafy greens that will please your palate and inspire you to clean your plate. Seasoned cookbook author and blogger Dana Jacobi expands your dinner table repertoire and introduces the fifteen Power Greens--from arugula to watercress--that are loaded with health-supporting nutrients and phytochemicals that can enhance vitality, protect against diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, fortify eyes and muscles, and even make your skin glow. Jacobi also shares simple cooking techniques to help you get these super veggies to the table quickly. Along with main dishes and hearty salads, dips, spreads, snacks, and drinks, Jacobi offers a myriad of mouthwatering, vegetable-centric recipes. * Soups: Cabbage and Brussels Sprout Soup, Spinach Gazpacho with Walnuts, Hoppin' John Stew with Mustard Greens * Salads: Caesar Salad with Parmesan Chickpeas, Tuscan Kale Salad with Pomegranate Seeds and Walnuts, Beets and Beet Greens with Citrus Dressing * Main Dishes: Red Beans and Smoky Greens, Kale-Smothered Pork Chops with Carrots and Apple, Tortelloni with Broccoli Rabe Florets * Small Meals and Snacks: Avocado and Watercress Tartine, Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwich with Kimchi, Poached Egg in a nest of Bacon-Wilted Kale * Side Dishes and Condiments: Carrots with Wild Arugula Pesto, French Lettuce Stir-Fry, Tahini Creamed Spinach, Kale Za'atar Filled with dozens of tantalizing photos, these recipes are sure to become a mainstay in your kitchen for everyday eating, weeknight family meals, casual entertaining, and elegant dinner parties. From the cruciferous and crunchy to the leafy and light, The Power Greens Cookbook is just what the doctor--and your taste buds--ordered., The Power Greens Cookbook presents 140 delicious, healthy recipes for dark, leafy greens that will please your palate and inspire you to clean your plate. Kale and collards don't have to be the only greens on your shopping list anymore. Newly rising stars include romaine and parsley, Brussels sprouts and beet greens, and more. But say the words "Eat your greens," and even though we know that they're good for us, many people worry they won't taste good. Fear no more! The Power Greens Cookbook provides go-to recipes that are both nutritious and delicious. Acclaimed cookbook author and blogger Dana Jacobi expands your dinner table repertoire and introduces the fifteen Power Greens--from arugula to watercress--that are loaded with health-supporting nutrients and phytochemicals that enhance vitality, all the while protecting against diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, strengthening eyes and muscles, even making your skin glow. Jacobi also shares simple cooking techniques that help you prepare these super veggies quickly. Including main dishes and hearty salads, dips, spreads, snacks, and even drinks, The Power Greens Cookbook offers myriad mouthwatering vegetable-centric recipes. * Soups: Cabbage and Brussels Sprouts Soup, Spinach Gazpacho with Walnuts, Hoppin' John Stew with Mustard Greens * Salads: Caesar Salad with Parmesan Chickpeas, Tuscan Kale Salad with Pomegranate Seeds and Walnuts, Beets and Beet Greens with Citrus Dressing * Main Dishes: Red Beans and Smoky Greens, Kale-Smothered Pork Chops with Carrot and Apple, Tortelloni with Broccoli Rabe Florets * Small Meals and Snacks: Avocado and Watercress Tartine, Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwich with Kimchi, Poached Eggs in a Nest of Bacon-Wilted Kale * Side Dishes and Condiments: Carrots with Wild Arugula Pesto, French Lettuce Stir-Fry, Tahini Creamed Spinach, Kale Za'atar Shown in dozens of tantalizing photos, these dishes are sure to become mainstays in your kitchen for weeknight family meals, casual entertaining, and elegant dinner parties. From the cruciferous and crunchy to the leafy and light, The Power Greens Cookbook is just what the doctor--and your taste buds--ordered.

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